Friday, April 16, 2010

A small intro...

This is my third post, but now only I realized that I have never introduced myself here. I am Jhinuk Gupta Roy (bangla e danrae Jhinuk remains secret)... but frankly speaking, I am very bad in keeping secrets. I was born long back and exploited my parents love and care to the maximum extent since I don't have any sibling. I started my carrer in Modern Nursey school and then passing thrugh those nice and nicer experiences in TBV, Jadavpur University and IIT Madras, finally landed up in NAtional Univ of Singapore as a PhD student. In the mean time, I fell and failed in love many times. The reason for both "falling" and "failing" was the same, "infatuation". I met my true love, Santanu, in IIT and got married to him last year. Apart from my parents, he is my most wonderful possession I take pride in. He is also a graduate student (and a parttime farmer). He is very good at growing onion and white radish.
Other most important characters in my life, currently, are Amrita, Sajini and Pradipto. Amrita can be described most suitably with the famous song of 3 idiots.."behti hawa sa tha wo..." Her contribution for my welfare in Singapore can't be expressed in words. Sajini, "the nano queen" of our lab, is the most software friendly person, I've ever seen. I am seriously going to miss her after I leave NUS. Now is the turn for my cute, huge, jumbo bhai...Pradipto. You can love him, hate him, but there is no way to ignore him....I wish, I could be his didi in real life as well.


  1. U r my real life didi as well

  2. i never saw this one nice of u...:)...really miss u a lot!!
